Display a message when files can't be deleted

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Google login 404
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Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2015 7:56 pm

Display a message when files can't be deleted

Post by Google login 404 »

It was very very confusing for me when I tried to delete some files and nothing happened (I had insufficient premissions). A dialog explaining what went wrong would be very useful and appreciated. (Mainly for people who encounter this the first time.)

Also, when deleting multiple files, maybe you could offer a way to delete just the deletable ones, currently nothing gets deleted if at least one file fails.
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Re: Display a message when files can't be deleted

Post by void »

I completely agree.
Unfortunately, Everything currently uses the internal system dialog for handling the deletion of files and reporting errors, there is no clean way to know if the deletion was successful or not.

I would need to implement my own dialog for file deletion which is on my TODO list.

Thanks for the suggestion.
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