problem deleting files

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problem deleting files

Post by raphael »

I did a search like this:

"X:\my_files\downloads\folder1\" *\2015\*2014*

to find files where the folder name was 2015 but the file name contained 2014. This worked perfectly & found 350 files.

However, when I tried to select all & delete them, nothing happened. I tried both doing ctrl-A and pressing delete on the keyboard and going to File > Delete in the Everything menu and neither worked.

I then tried selecting 1 file at a time and it was able to delete. But I need to be able to select more (preferably all) due to there being 350 files.

I tried sorting by Path and selecting only the files in the same path, and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. The wierd thing was I would sometimes get the Windows prompt asking me if I wanted to delete and sometimes I didn't.

The folder these files were in was one I had to add in Options>Indexes>Folders. Does that matter?

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

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Re: problem deleting files

Post by therube »

Going to guess on the ones that fail, you don't have sufficient permissions to delete the file.
Likewise, when you select multiple (or all) files for deletion, if any of the selected files would fail, then all will fail.

If it is a permissions issue, you might run an instance of Everything 'As Administrator', pick a single file that has caused a problem & see if it deletes. If that works, select all that you want to delete & then see if they all delete.

When done, Exit out from the Admin mode Everything & return back to the regular one.
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Re: problem deleting files

Post by raphael »

After some more testing it appears that the files *were* deleted when I did the ctrl-A, but Everything didn't fully update to show that they were deleted. What happened was the text in the Path, Size, and Date Modified columns disappeared, but the filename in the Name column stayed. Then when I went to Tools > Options > Indexes > Folders and selected "Update Now" the files disappeared from the list.
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Re: problem deleting files

Post by therube »

text in the Path, Size, and Date Modified columns disappeared, but the filename in the Name column stayed
I've seen that before, Certain Characters in a Filename are not Monitored on Change.
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