Reduce scope of searching in ETP server?

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Reduce scope of searching in ETP server?

Post by devtcms »

Hi there,
we are currently testing Everything especially in the context of the ETP server. In our configuration we mapped a server local drive and a assigned letter for a network area.
The issue we have is that the search returns too many identical items because the same files are available in both areas (development and official).
Would it be possible to a have a search that is limited to the selected drive in the ETP server ? Currenlty there is no way of limit the search.
A check box in front of each drive/folder could allow/disallow search on the respective selected/deselected elements?
Or is there another way to achieve this?

Thank you.

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Re: Reduce scope of searching in ETP server?

Post by void »

To specify which folders are included by the ETP server:
  • In Everything that is hosting the ETP server, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the NTFS tab.
  • For each volume:
    • Set Include only to a semi-colon delimited list of folders on this volume, for example:

      Code: Select all

  • Click OK.
To limit the search on the ETP client using the Everything filter:
  • In Everything that is connecting the ETP server, from the Search menu, click Organize filters....
  • Select the Everything filter and click Edit....
  • Set the Search to include only the specified folders, for example:

    Code: Select all

  • Click OK.
  • Click OK.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:07 pm

Re: Reduce scope of searching in ETP server?

Post by devtcms »


thank you for the reply. I discovered something new but I think it not what I intended to do.
Let me bring some clarifications.
By reducing the scope I want to search for a file on the current folder I'm currently exploring. I don't want the scope reduced from the configuration.
Let say you have 2 drives or network folders indexed by ETP: AREA1 and AREA2. I navigate to AREA2/FOLDER1. And then I want to search from there excluding "everything" that is not AREA2/FOLDER1.
This is where I would have imagine a kind of checkbox next to the search field "limit search to current navigated folder".

We could also mount another instance of Everything to only index AREA2 but within this area we won't be able to limit the search scope. And it is overkill.

Another approach could be that everything could allow having one ETP per drive or network folder.
such as http://every:80 (drive D) and http://every:81 (drive E).



//// added : my mistake... it is more about http server

///// I think I found what I was looking for:

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