List files when there is not the same file with an diff. ext

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List files when there is not the same file with an diff. ext

Post by Zerosurf »

I try to list two types of files: *.cdg and *.mp3 - that I can handle! ;)
but how do I do it, when I want to see if one cdg-file or mp3-file misses it correspondending other file?

for example:
John Lennon - Let It Be.cdg
John Lennon - Let It Be.mp3

is on my harddrive, those always fit together, but now I only have, for example:

Michael Jackson - Thriller.cdg

and the "Michael Jackson - Thriller.mp3" is missing and I want to list all those files which are missing their counterpart.

How do I do that?
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Re: List files when there is not the same file with an diff.

Post by void »

There's currently no option to do this in Everything.

I would love to add lua scripts, which would allow searching for:

Code: Select all

/script if (IsExt(filename,"mp3") {cdgfilename=ReplaceExt(filename,"cdg"); if (!FileExists(cdgfilename)) AddResult();} if (IsExt(filename,"cdg") {mp3filename=ReplaceExt(filename,"mp3"); if (!FileExists(mp3filename)) AddResult();}
Maybe you can do something like this in excel with the exported results?
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Re: List files when there is not the same file with an diff.

Post by vsub »

Not tested but here is an Autohotkey script

Code: Select all

FileSelectFile,List,3,% A_Desktop,Choose the File List,Documents (*.txt)
If List =
FileRead,List,% List
Lines := A_Index
ToolTip,% A_Index "/" Lines
If Ext = mp3
IfNotExist,% Dir "\" Name ".cdg"
CDGFiles .=  Dir "\" Name ".cdg"
If Ext = cdg
IfNotExist,% Dir "\" Name ".mp3"
MP3Files .=  Dir "\" Name ".mp3"
Clipboard := "Missing CDG Files" "`n`n" CDGFiles "`n`n" "Missing MP3 Files" "`n`n" MP3Files
1.Start Everything
2.Search for the mp3 and cdg files in the location you want
3.When Everything display the result,use File=>Export=>choose from Save as type "Text Files"=>put some name and save
4.Run the script and choose the text file...the script will search for the files and in the end it will send the result to the clipboard.

The result is displayed correctly in notepad++ but not in the windows notepad(at least on my WinXp version)
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:46 pm

Re: List files when there is not the same file with an diff.

Post by Zerosurf »

Thank you for help!
I like the workaround! ;)
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