allow multi-select in the box of open filelists

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allow multi-select in the box of open filelists

Post by srcn »

Starting, I am sorry for my weak English language.
I suggestion that allow open multi-filelists at same time in the same window filelist.
The box - which the file list select to open ( control +o) - unfortunately do not allow to multi-select for opening filelists.
thank for you very much.
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Re: allow multi-select in the box of open filelists

Post by void »

Added to my things to do list.
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Re: allow multi-select in the box of open filelists

Post by srcn »

thanks very much. I wish its be soon.
It is useful when making filelist for every hdd, and searching in all at once when its off line. I see that better than the option (keep_missing_indexes=1) because the index rebulding when any new hdd or removable volumes conected or some option change.
Making a file list for every hdd alone is better then making one filelist for all, because it is easy for refresh any one isolation from the others especially when there is a lot of hard drives.
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Re: allow multi-select in the box of open filelists

Post by sheppaul »

If you have many offline (ntfs) hdd drives, hddb is more convenient at the moment.
I suggested several things before I know hddb but it is exactly designed for those who have many offline ntfs hdd drives.

There are also some features planned for offline hdd drives. You can try hddb until it is implemented:

ps. filelist is not something feasible with (offline) hdds having massive drive capacity. It should only work with hdds other than ntfs format.
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Re: allow multi-select in the box of open filelists

Post by srcn »

Thank you my dear sheppaul for information.
I try to use hddb. It is working good in the first time but after close it and run it again it is not working. its window appear without tools bar and don't doing anything. I try the version 2.2 that it exist in the site now.
ps.1: I use method (in everything) that adding the filelists in the indexes option and it appear online continually. but if the dialog box of open file list have enabled multi-select files it is better because I have about 4 million files in 15 hdd and it take some time in rebuildign index.
Ps.2: I see the filelist in everything is good and fast. Also I make batch file that doing file list for any hdd online, and make shortcut for it. Only press (control + alt + t) e.g. every hdd online update its filelist.
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