How do I use ETP server's function in "Everything32.dll"?

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Hidekatsu Yamamoto
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:11 am

How do I use ETP server's function in "Everything32.dll"?

Post by Hidekatsu Yamamoto »

Dear Mr. David Carpenter,

Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

The reason why I am writing this email to you is I'd like to ...

How do I use ETP server's function in "Everything32.dll"?

My developing environment as follows :
. Windows7 Professional SP1
. Intel Core i3-3220 CPU @ 3.3GHz
. ram 4.0GB
. System : 32bit oparation system

"Everything.exe" could connect ETP between Server's pc and Connector's pc.
Then I saw the Server's file list at Connector's pc.

But I can't image how to connect using "Everything32.dll".

I am sorry to interrupt to you, but I would appreciate your prompt reply.

Very truly yours,
Hidekatsu yamamorto.
Posts: 17296
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: How do I use ETP server's function in "Everything32.dll

Post by void »

How do I use ETP server's function in "Everything32.dll"?
There is currently no support for ETP connectivity in the Everything32.dll or SDK.
The Everything32.dll currently only supports local IPC.

ETP is an extension to FTP, most FTP commands will work.
Everything follows the FTP RFC:

Heres a basic example to connect to an ETP server, in C:

Code: Select all

struct addrinfo aihint = {0};
struct addrinfo *ai;

// create ipv4 socket..

// get the host address info..
aihints.ai_family = AF_INET;
aihints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
aihints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;

// connect to host..
connect(s,ai,sizeof(struct addrinfo));

// ... send/recv here ...

// cleanup..
Once connected, use send with the following commands:
Note: Requires Everything 1.3+

Code: Select all

EVERYTHING CASE x (Match case if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING WHOLE_WORD x (Match whole words if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING PATH x (Match whole paths if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING DIACRITICS x (Match diacritics if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING REGEX x (perform regex search if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING SEARCH abc (set the search to abc)
EVERYTHING FILTER_SEARCH abc (set the secondary search to abc)
EVERYTHING FILTER_CASE x (Match case with the secondary search if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING FILTER_WHOLE_WORD x (Match wholewords with the secondary search if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING FILTER_PATH x (Match path with the secondary search if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING FILTER_DIACRITICS x (Match diacritics with the secondary search if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING FILTER_REGEX x (Match regex with the secondary search if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING SORT x (where x is the sort name, see below)
EVERYTHING OFFSET n (return results from the nth item)
EVERYTHING COUNT x (return no more than x results)
EVERYTHING SIZE_COLUMN x (return the result's size if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING DATE_CREATED_COLUMN x (return the result's creation date if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING DATE_MODIFIED_COLUMN x (return the result's modified date if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING ATTRIBUTES_COLUMN x (return the result's attributes if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING PATH_COLUMN x (return the result's path if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING FILE_LIST_FILENAME_COLUMN x (return the result's file list filename if x is nonzero)
EVERYTHING QUERY (executes the query with the above settings)
Use recv to read the result:

Code: Select all

2xx = successful.
200- = query result.
5xx = error.
For more information, please see ETP/FTP Server Help

If you need more help, please let me know.
Hidekatsu Yamamoto
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:11 am

Re: How do I use ETP server's function in "Everything32.dll

Post by Hidekatsu Yamamoto »

Dear Mr. David Carpenter,

Thank you for your quick reply.

I understand that the Everything32.dll or SDK is currently no support for ETP connectivity.
So, I would like to try to add a basic example to connect to an ETP server into Everything.c in SDK.

Hidekatsu yamamorto.
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