platter hard disk drives via USB. Not thumb drives. The Drive Icon in Everything shows them to be Fixed.
Look for the following lines in the debug log:
found volume <drive-type> <guid> <path> <root>
where <drive-type> will be one of the following:
- 2 = Removable
- 3 = Fixed
- 4 = Remote
- 5 = CDROM
- 6 = Ramdisk
What drives are reported as removable (2) / fixed (3)?
Removable in "Everything" means any volume or device that can be 'safely' removed.
Windows may still report these volumes or devices as fixed.
Removing the reserved partition shouldn't make any difference with Everything detecting the volume as removable.
The screen shot I took says "Everything requires administrative privileges to index NTFS volumes." But it does not say, "needs administrative privileges to index the system disk.
I've changed this to say:
"Everything" requires administrative privileges to index system NTFS volumes.
Selecting either Run as administrator, or Start the service, will cause Everything to index them again, a second time
The existing indexes are kept.
Only the new system volumes will be indexed.
((Upon additional testing, this also appears to cause 1.5 to re-index all the new File Properties, with becomes especially time consuming as well.))
The existing indexed properties are kept.
The list of existing properties to index is kept.
Only properties on the new system volumes will be added to list to be indexed.
Does Everything need administrator rights to index NTFS volumes, or just the system volume (drive C:)?
Only system volumes.
Admin privileges are not required to index non-system volumes.
I can't tell you what makes a volume a 'system' volume.
Usually a system volume is the volume where the windows folder is located and any volume that has a page file or hibernation file.
Most external volumes will be non-system.
Can we initiate this prompt before performing any indexing?
I will consider an option to do this.
Currently, Everything doesn't know a volume is a system volume until it attempts to open and read the volume.
There are also complications for offline volumes, which Everything will treat as system volumes.
It can take 5 or 10 minutes after launching Everything before the prompt appears. The user may have already left the room to wait for indexing to complete, only to have it index again after accepting the prompt to Start Service.
Adding the system volumes to an existing index should be quick.
How many files is Everything indexing?